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Hyangilam Sunrise Festival

Dec. 31 to Jan. 1 of the next year

The festival to make a wish for the new year is held to bid farewell to the previous year and greet a new year at Hyangilam Rock on December 31st, every year.

The festival is great for anyone, including families, friends, and sweethearts as well as Impo Village residents who each make a wish as the sun rises up like a fireball.

At that moment when the sun rises above the horizon, people exclaim with admiration. That moment is the climax of the Sunrise Festival.

■ Events on the eve: Saxophone performance, an on-the-spot talent show with tourists, romantic busking performances, hitting the Watch-Night bell
■ Other events: Praying at sunrise, sunrise rite praying for safety and peace
■ Experience events: Flying wish balloons, exchanging wishes for blessing for the new year

Usage Information

  • ADD60, Hyyangilam-ro, Dolsan-eup, Yeosu-si
  • Homepage


  • Events

    Saxophone performance, romantic busking performances, Etc.

  • TEL061-659-4743
